Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Mood Pictures~2


When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people
-- Samuel Goldwyn

Let Gratitude In

Let Go and Let Gratitude In

Focus on the parts of your life that are working. Change to make your life work better, not because it's all wrong.

If you want to be happier,

make other people smile.

Compliment the checkout clerk at the grocery store, help a sick friend, send someone a thoughtful card, crack a joke when others least expect it.

Do whatever it takes to

bring a little joy into someone else's life.

Making others feel good has a boomerang effect. When you see someone smile, knowing that you made it happen, you'll feel a warm glow inside. Not only does smiling bring others joy, but it has also been found to lower blood pressure, release endorphins, boost the immune system, relieve stress and help a person look younger and more confident. All of this because of you! Plus, focusing on the well-being of others teaches you to be kinder to yourself. And you become happier as a result.
Did you know? Research has shown that even a fake smile—from you or from the smiled-upon—can brighten someone's mood.

Feel the joy and restfulness in foreseeing the certain accomplishment of your desire.

Any mental picture which you have in your mind is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

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