Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hillary Clinton's 'Living History'

Hillary Clinton's 'Living History'

Former First Lady Discusses Memoir, Ambitions in NPR Interview

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Love & Joy

Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third.
~Marge Piercy

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind
word, a listening ear, an honest accomplishment, or the smallest act
of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
~Leo Buscaglia

I am special and wonderful. The more I love myself, the less stress I have. I am willing to learn to love myself. I am worth loving. There is love all around me. I radiate health, happiness, prosperity, and peace of mind.
~Louise L. Hay











Flowers_Roses.jpg June image by marshmallowcake









Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Formosa ~ Taiwan : a Beautiful Independent Island

This video is made by 2009 Taiwanese Exchange Students in University of Pardubice , Czech Republic , and presented on 10. Dec. 2009 @ University of Pardubice National Evening Activity. Hope that eras...


Postive Psychology~正向心理學 & When God Winks

Martin Seligman is the founder of positive psychology, a field of study that examines healthy states, such as happiness, strength of character and optimism.

Martin Seligman founded the field of positive psychology in 2000, and has devoted his career since then to furthering the study of positive emotion, positive character traits, and positive institutions. It's a fascinating field of study that had few empirical, scientific measures -- traditional clinical psychology focusing more on the repair of unhappy states than the propagation and nurturing of happy ones. In his pioneering work, Seligman directs the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, developing clinical tools and training the next generation of positive psychologists.

His earlier work focused on perhaps the opposite state: learned helplessness, in which a person feels he or she is powerless to change a situation that is, in fact, changeable. Seligman is an often-cited authority in this field as well -- in fact, his is the 13th most likely name to pop up in a general psych textbook. He was the leading consultant on a Consumer Reports study on long-term psychotherapy, and has developed several common pre-employment tests, including the Seligman Attributional Style Questionnaire (SASQ).

Martin Seligman on the Web

Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment
正向心理學 協助你走過逆境

【大紀元5月2日訊】(大紀元記者陳珍妮編譯報導)自從2008年底金融風暴席捲全球至今,引爆一連串經濟惡化的骨牌效應似乎還沒有完全停止的跡象。近日又爆發A型流感(豬流感),來勢洶洶更甚於SARS,使得人心惶惶,原本脆弱的經濟更加雪上加霜。面對內外交迫的逆境,我們應該如何因應呢?醫學博士邁克爾‧米勒(Michael Miller)撰文呼籲推廣正向心理學,因為正向心理學強調發覺個人的長處和潛能,抱持希望及積極正面思考,有利於問題的解決及走過逆境。


鑑於傳統心理學著重於處理心理問題及精神病,而忽略了人的正面特質、長處及美德,心理學家馬汀‧塞利格曼(Martin E.P. Seligman)博士於1998年呼籲心理學家正視心理學界的發展。這是正向心理學的開端。多年來在心理學家們持續的研究發展下,如今正向心理學已被視為傳統心理療法的補充療法,更被發展為培養健康及維持最佳心理狀態的方法。


正向心理學 vs憂鬱症







正、負兩面情緒要平衡。了解及培養自身及他人的正面特質,如此方能制衡負面情緒。 例如,企業主管考核員工時會讚揚與批評雙管齊下,以達到使其成長進步的目的。



( 美東時間: 2009-05-02 04:25:51 AM 【萬年曆】

歡笑網站(鼓勵大家以笑共度不景氣。英國Robin Graham和Abena Agyeman在2009年元月24日在曼撤斯特市中心推廣歡笑運動,鼓勵全世界的人在自己的時區每週六上午九點一起大笑。以歡笑帶來快樂與和平。
When God Winks at You
by SQuire Rushnell
A surprising answer to prayer comes at just the right moment. Could God be showing you that He cares about the details of your life? Best-selling author SQuire Rushnell says these silent little miracles are godwinks.
When God Winks on Love
by SQuire Rushnell
Valentine's Day Special - Half-Price!

Through breathtaking stories of romance, incredible love stories that have united or reunited people just like you, you'll see your own life in a fresh new light, filled with renewed hope that your perfect love is not nearly as distant as you thought.

When God Winks
on New Beginnings
by SQuire Rushnell
* New Release *

Let the new edition to the When God Winks series touch your heart. Inspired to show signposts of encouragement for fresh starts and second chance

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Local Harvest

Local Harvest

The best organic food is what's grown closest to you. Use our website to find farmers' markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area, where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats, and many other goodies. Want to support this great web site? Shop in our catalog for things you can't find locally!

Farm Frm Market Restaurant Grocery Other

Making Family Farms Profitable
In 1959, the U.S. was home to 4.1 million farms. Today, there are just 2.2 million. Some 40% of American farmers are 55 or older, and young people aren’t exactly lining up to replace them. But a new program in North Carolina hopes to make farming a viable career option once again.

Rutherford County, N.C., has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. Yet some 6000 families own between 5 and 20 acres of land, and chefs in nearby Charlotte, N.C., are in need of fresh produce for their restaurants. Timothy Will, a retired telecommunications analyst, helped wire the region for broadband Internet access and set up an online ordering system—Farmers Fresh Market—that lets Charlotte chefs place orders directly with Appalachian farmers. Next, he convinced the locals to grow more exotic items like lacinato kale and purple beans. (“They’d never seen beans like that before,” Will laughs. “Here, beans are green.”) Two years later, Farmers Fresh Market counts 90 local farmers among its members.

In addition to teaching farmers computing skills and converting a vacant plot into a demonstration garden, Will and his colleagues have introduced sustainable agriculture courses for adults and high school students. “It’s kind of a resurrection of our history,” says Lindy Abrams, a 25-year-old who, after losing her job and enrolling in Will’s adult-education class, now grows vegetables and salad greens on land her granddad once farmed. “People are really excited.”

Jocelyn C. Zuckerman

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die~早點知道會更好的人生秘密

International Best Selling Book, now an Award winner

The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die wins first place at the Independent Book Awards.

After the success of The Biography Channel's television series "the Five Things You Must Discover Before You Die" Berrett-Koehler Publishers decided to ensure the book "The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die" (Jan 2008) would be available across North America.This book made it's debut across North America inJanuary of 2008 and was picked up by 12 countries! shortly after. BBC published the audio book in January of 2008 as well and the Television series has been picked up be PBS! to order this book or to order the book or to order the Television Series now on DVD - please click here.

The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die
發表書評 看看讀者書評 本書意見回函





作者約翰‧伊佐(John Izzo)年輕時因為工作的關係,有機會陪伴瀕死的人走完人生的最後一程,他發現每個人在死之前的心境都不一樣,有的人渾身活出朝氣,對自己的人生很滿意,有的人卻是老淚縱橫,覺得自己這輩子有太多遺憾。大家都不喜歡「死」或「辭世」等字眼,但我們的時間有限、人終究會死這件事,依舊是個事實,也因為如此,瞭解怎樣才能讓人生過得幸福、有意義,才那麼重要。有些真相越早知道越好,有些事情要早點去做,因為我們都沒有永遠的時間。

為了解開兩個問題的答案:一、什麼才是人生真正重要的事──怎樣才能活得充實、有意義?二、我們要如何在日常生活中實踐這些幸福人生的祕訣,隨時提醒自己不要忘了它們?作者在 2007年一整年與同事合力訪問了 235 位年紀介於 59 歲到 105 歲的長者,聽他們敘述自己以往的經歷與對人生的感想,從中歸納出讓他們覺得活著很快樂、很有意義的共通點──我們在死之前,越早知道越好的五個祕密。

全書包含 50 則真實人生故事,作者在哲理間穿插了動人故事,如果你一年只看一本書,這本書你今年不能錯過。


約翰.伊佐 (John B. Izzo)

1978年哈佛斯大學(Hofstra University)社會學學士,隨後同時在馬蓋文神學院(McCormick Divinity School)與芝加哥大學分別獲得神學及組織心理學雙碩士學位,再於俄亥俄州肯特州立大學(Kent State University)進修獲得組織溝通博士學位。

伊佐12歲就希望自己能有影響啟發別人的能力,並將畢生心力投注於個人價值、組織文化、人生目標、領袖責任等溝通顧問課程上,每年受邀百場以上的演說,並與各界知名人士同台過,如:著有《一分鐘經理人》(The One Minute Manager)的肯‧布蘭查(Ken Blanchard)、美國前總統比爾‧柯林頓(Bill Clinton)、加籍日裔知名科學家與環保人士大衛‧鈴木(David Suzuki)博士,和名嘴歐普拉‧溫弗莉(Oprah Winfrey)等人。

除了用說的方式,伊佐也用文字發揮影響力,文章數量豐富,多達六百篇以上,並著有三本暢銷書:《反璞歸真》(Second Innocence)、《價值轉移》(Values Shift)與《喚醒企業的靈魂》(Awakening Corporate Soul)(中文書名暫譯)。


推薦文1: 欲窮千里目,更上一層樓 展開/隱藏詳細內文





-本文作者為 南華大學生死學系(所)主任兼學務長

推薦文4: 請問,您有幸福的感覺嗎? 展開/隱藏詳細內文












-本文作者為 老兵、知名演員與公益人

Unemployed, disabled, over 60 years old, did not stop Sherry Campa from attracting the resources she needed to create her dream product Comfort Pillow. What dream are you not bringing to life?
Inventor Sherry Campa is a living example of what the books When God Winks and You Unstuck are all about ...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

20個習慣讓你變身成功人士~ 20 Basics For Career Advancement




















































The Power of Professional Presence – 20 Basics For Career Advancement Posted on 25. Apr, 2009 posted by Bill in Employment News

Professional presence and image are cornerstones to career advancement and financial success. Studies show that 55% of other people’s perception of you is based on your visual appearance, 38% is based on your tone of voice, and 7% based on the words you use. These statistics prove that while sounding intelligent contributes to presenting a powerful image, other factors like appearance, nonverbal communication, proper etiquette and social graces are also key contributing factors.

Many social psychologists believe that you only have thirty seconds to make an impact on others. They claim that within the first 30 seconds of interaction, others assume your trustworthiness, level of education, job competence, ethnicity, sense of humor, and personality – largely based on what they see, and all before you open our mouth.

Whether you are an entry level employee who aspires to move up the ladder, or a manager seeking information to enhance your team’s grooming and appearance standards, consider these twenty basics.

1. Always take pride and care in your personal appearance, dress, and grooming. This is essential to presenting a professional image at all times, and a positive, lasting impression.
2. If your job requires you to wear a uniform, it should be well-maintained, clean, and pressed everyday. If your uniform is ripped, torn, or damaged, notify the proper individuals right away to have it repaired or replaced.
3. Shoes should always be polished and in good condition. For jobs requiring specific footwear, make it your priority to be in compliance to ensure uniformity.
4. Good hygiene is paramount to presenting a professional image. It goes without saying, bathe or shower, use deodorant, and brush your teeth daily. You never want to give off a body odor or breathe that is offensive to others.
5. Hair should always be clean, neat, and in a professional style. Ladies, if you have long hair it should be pulled back away from your face. Gentlemen, your hair should be trimmed at or above the standard collar line, unless otherwise specified by your company.
6. Gentlemen should be clean shaven at all times. Mustaches, if worn, should be neatly trimmed and not extend below the upper lip.
7. Ladies, make-up should be tastefully applied. Not excessive, especially eye-shadow and lipstick. Stay away from stark, glittery colors that may be distracting to others.
8. Keep your fingernails neatly trimmed, clean and moderate in length. Extreme decorations and length of nails can be distracting, so ladies should wear conservative shades of nail polish with little or no nail art or jewelry.
9. Remember, your name tag is a major part of your uniform. If required for your job, name tags should be worn on your left side, approximately 2-3 inches below your collarbone.
10. When it comes to jewelry, minimal is best. Depending on the business environment of your office anything more than one pair of earrings, one watch and/or bracelet, one necklace, and two rings may be considered excessive.
11. Body piercings and tattoos should be concealed and not visible while at work, unless otherwise specified based on your work environment.
12. Colognes and perfume should be used conservatively. Keep in mind some people have allergies that could be easy aggravated by your cologne or perfume smell.
13. Always be mindful of your undergarments. They should never to visible, even through your uniform.
14. Chewing gum at work is unprofessional. Instead carry mints to ensure your breath is never offensive to others.
15. Smile when talking on the telephone. Your voice will sound more pleasant, alert, and receptive to what the other person is saying.
16. Be mindful of your body language. Standing alert, a genuine smile, positive eye contact, and a firm handshake all contribute to presenting a welcoming and confident professional image.
17. The use of profanity at work is never acceptable, especially in the presence of customers, clients, and guests. Keep in mind, what you say and how you say it can immediately diminish your perception and respect within the work place.
18. Practice proper table manners, especially when attending social events for work. Remember, all eyes are on you, and in many cases judging your professionalism, even as you take a second to eat a bite of food or to sip a beverage.
19. Use proper grammar and vocabulary when conversing with customers, clients, and co-workers. Conservation is a great way to build positive, lasting business relationships. Never dominate a conversation, but be mindful to listen more to ensure you understand the other person’s perspective and leave them with a feeling of being valued and heard.
20. Be an ambassador of your company, in and outside of the workplace. Always speak positively. Avoid gossip and negativity by immediately addressing workplace issues and concerns with the appropriate person.

Bottom-line, your ability to be promoted and move up the corporate ladder is just as reliant on presenting a professional image, as it is on being technically competent to do the job. So if image is an issue that may be holding you back, start working on it today!

Theo Gilbert-Jamison is CEO of Performance Solutions by Design, a global performance consulting firm that caters to luxury and premium brands with an emphasis on transforming organizational culture. She is also the author of two books, The Six Principles of Service Excellence (2005), and The Leadership Book of Numbers, Volume I (2008). As the creative force behind Performance Solutions by Design, Theo is a highly sought after speaker and consultant to CEOs and senior executives in high profile organizations.

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