Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Postive Psychology~正向心理學 & When God Winks

Martin Seligman is the founder of positive psychology, a field of study that examines healthy states, such as happiness, strength of character and optimism.

Martin Seligman founded the field of positive psychology in 2000, and has devoted his career since then to furthering the study of positive emotion, positive character traits, and positive institutions. It's a fascinating field of study that had few empirical, scientific measures -- traditional clinical psychology focusing more on the repair of unhappy states than the propagation and nurturing of happy ones. In his pioneering work, Seligman directs the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, developing clinical tools and training the next generation of positive psychologists.

His earlier work focused on perhaps the opposite state: learned helplessness, in which a person feels he or she is powerless to change a situation that is, in fact, changeable. Seligman is an often-cited authority in this field as well -- in fact, his is the 13th most likely name to pop up in a general psych textbook. He was the leading consultant on a Consumer Reports study on long-term psychotherapy, and has developed several common pre-employment tests, including the Seligman Attributional Style Questionnaire (SASQ).

Martin Seligman on the Web

Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment
正向心理學 協助你走過逆境

【大紀元5月2日訊】(大紀元記者陳珍妮編譯報導)自從2008年底金融風暴席捲全球至今,引爆一連串經濟惡化的骨牌效應似乎還沒有完全停止的跡象。近日又爆發A型流感(豬流感),來勢洶洶更甚於SARS,使得人心惶惶,原本脆弱的經濟更加雪上加霜。面對內外交迫的逆境,我們應該如何因應呢?醫學博士邁克爾‧米勒(Michael Miller)撰文呼籲推廣正向心理學,因為正向心理學強調發覺個人的長處和潛能,抱持希望及積極正面思考,有利於問題的解決及走過逆境。


鑑於傳統心理學著重於處理心理問題及精神病,而忽略了人的正面特質、長處及美德,心理學家馬汀‧塞利格曼(Martin E.P. Seligman)博士於1998年呼籲心理學家正視心理學界的發展。這是正向心理學的開端。多年來在心理學家們持續的研究發展下,如今正向心理學已被視為傳統心理療法的補充療法,更被發展為培養健康及維持最佳心理狀態的方法。


正向心理學 vs憂鬱症







正、負兩面情緒要平衡。了解及培養自身及他人的正面特質,如此方能制衡負面情緒。 例如,企業主管考核員工時會讚揚與批評雙管齊下,以達到使其成長進步的目的。



(http://www.dajiyuan.com) 美東時間: 2009-05-02 04:25:51 AM 【萬年曆】

歡笑網站(www.worldlaughterpledge.org)鼓勵大家以笑共度不景氣。英國Robin Graham和Abena Agyeman在2009年元月24日在曼撤斯特市中心推廣歡笑運動,鼓勵全世界的人在自己的時區每週六上午九點一起大笑。以歡笑帶來快樂與和平。
When God Winks at You
by SQuire Rushnell
A surprising answer to prayer comes at just the right moment. Could God be showing you that He cares about the details of your life? Best-selling author SQuire Rushnell says these silent little miracles are godwinks.
When God Winks on Love
by SQuire Rushnell
Valentine's Day Special - Half-Price!

Through breathtaking stories of romance, incredible love stories that have united or reunited people just like you, you'll see your own life in a fresh new light, filled with renewed hope that your perfect love is not nearly as distant as you thought.

When God Winks
on New Beginnings
by SQuire Rushnell
* New Release *

Let the new edition to the When God Winks series touch your heart. Inspired to show signposts of encouragement for fresh starts and second chance

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