Vocabulary Test - Multiple Choice
These tests are generated by Vocaboly, each test is based on one book in Vocaboly. You can download our vocabulary builder and make your own tests with flexible setting.
Quick Test (Each test contains 10 questions)
Select Meaning By Word | Select Word By Meaning |
SAT Vocabulary | SAT Vocabulary |
TOEFL Vocabulary | TOEFL Vocabulary |
GRE Vocabulary | GRE Vocabulary |
GMAT Vocabulary | GMAT Vocabulary |
VOA Special English | VOA Special English |
Welcome to Vocab Test.com, the place for SAT Vocabulary Tests! http://www.vocabtest.com/
Medical Vocabulary Test http://hadm.sph.sc.edu/Courses/Wordtest.html
TOEIC prep testhttp://www.english-test.net/toeic/vocabulary/words/002/toeic-test.php
特別介紹下面這個Vocabulary University的網站。站上有90本的初中、高中指定書單中的必背英文單字!這些英文單字是由多位美國初中、高中的英文老師提供,超棒的!有些書沒有網上版,可以到Book Swap 上找,也許有人願意越洋寄給你。

"Hi, I'm Etta Molly Gee, Professor of Library Science at Vocabulary University.We welcome you to our "classic text" site where vocabulary has been pulled from many recommended texts. I have suggestions for your FAQ: How can you, as a teacher, student and/or life-long learner use the V.U. classic texts vocabulary lists?
(Tip 1) Individually or as a group, choose words that are unknown to you from the list.To help memorize, look up and write down the definition, part of speech and use the new word in a sentence of more than 6 words.
(Tip 2) Write a story, postcard, letter or journal entry using 15-25 words in context.
(Tip 3) Working individually or in a group, pair synonyms and/or antonyms. Determine how many words are adjectives, nouns and verbs.
Remember, vocabulary mastery comes from encountering new words in assigned reading, in studying vocabulary word lists and using words in context."
Example Resources for reading Emma
Emma by Jane Austen
(a) Online Books from FullBook.com
(b) Online Books from the University of Pennsylvania.
Audio Version from Gutenberg.org & free-books.org(a) Emma audio book (human read 人聲發音)
(b) Free MP3 Book (audio & text 電腦合成音) Vocabulary List from Vocabulary.com (90 recommended book lists)
Online Dictionary Selection:英文網路字典及資源 (綜合版)
An article discussed the future of paper dictionaries:
Are Dictionaries Becoming Obsolete? (The Wall Street Journal)
Study Notes: (網上版的閱讀筆記參考書,有些要付費)Free Book Notes.com (Premium services, NOT FREE)Grammardog Guide to Emma (NOT FREE, from eNotes.com)GrammarDog Guide是新產品,可以先在google book中先看範本,有需要,可以考慮購買。
YouTube.com (看看電影、電視如何演的,與你的想像差多少。)Key words search: Emma
(本文適用於RabbitDog英文第六課 後半段以上)This is a supplement for UND RabbitDog blog
Medical Vocabulary Test http://hadm.sph.sc.edu/Courses/Wordtest.html
TOEIC prep testhttp://www.english-test.net/toeic/vocabulary/words/002/toeic-test.php
"Hi, I'm Etta Molly Gee, Professor of Library Science at Vocabulary University.
We welcome you to our "classic text" site where vocabulary has been pulled from many recommended texts. I have suggestions for your FAQ: How can you, as a teacher, student and/or life-long learner use the V.U. classic texts vocabulary lists?
(Tip 1) Individually or as a group, choose words that are unknown to you from the list.To help memorize, look up and write down the definition, part of speech and use the new word in a sentence of more than 6 words.
(Tip 2) Write a story, postcard, letter or journal entry using 15-25 words in context.
(Tip 3) Working individually or in a group, pair synonyms and/or antonyms. Determine how many words are adjectives, nouns and verbs.
Remember, vocabulary mastery comes from encountering new words in assigned reading, in studying vocabulary word lists and using words in context."
Example Resources for reading Emma
Emma by Jane Austen
Vocabulary List from Vocabulary.com (90 recommended book lists)
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